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License Number Metastock 11 Crack

How to Activate MetaStock 11 with a License Number

MetaStock is a popular software for technical analysis and trading. It offers various features such as charting, scanning, backtesting, forecasting, and more. MetaStock 11 is one of the older versions of the software that was released in 2010. If you have purchased MetaStock 11 and want to activate it with a license number, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Install MetaStock 11 on your computer. You can download the installation file from the official website or use the CD-ROM that came with your purchase.

  • Run MetaStock 11 and click on the "Help" menu. Select "Control Activation" from the drop-down list.

  • In the Control Activation window, click on the "Activate" button. You will see a screen that asks you to enter your license number.

  • Copy and paste the 15-digit license number from the order confirmation email or the product packaging into the box provided. Click on the "Next" button.

  • You will see a screen that shows your activation certificate. You can print it or save it as a file for future reference. Click on the "Finish" button.

  • You have successfully activated MetaStock 11 with your license number. You can now use the software without any limitations.

If you encounter any problems during the activation process, you can contact the MetaStock support team for assistance. They will help you resolve any issues related to your license number or activation certificate.

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Troubleshooting Tips for MetaStock 11 Activation

MetaStock 11 uses a licensing technology that requires you to activate your software online. However, this technology is no longer supported by MetaStock as of February 1, 2017. This means that you will not be able to activate or login to MetaStock 11 under certain conditions, such as:

  • You change your computer hardware or operating system.

  • You reinstall MetaStock 11 on a different computer.

  • You format your hard drive or restore your system.

  • You encounter a system crash or error that affects MetaStock 11.

If you face any of these situations, you will need to update your Control Activation to version 2.3.6. This is a patch that allows you to activate MetaStock 11 offline using an activation certificate. To update your Control Activation, follow these steps:

  • Download the Control Activation 2.3.6 file from this link. It is a ZIP file that contains three files: ControlActivation.exe, ControlActivation.exe.cfg, and boxsmall.jpg.

  • Unzip the file to a location of your choice, such as your desktop.

  • Copy and paste the three files into your MetaStock folder. This is usually located at C:\Program Files\Equis\MetaStock (or C:\Program Files (x86)\Equis\MetaStock on 64-bit machines).

  • Run Control Activation from your MetaStock folder. It will show you your current activation status and license number.

  • Click on the "Help" button and select "Activation Overview" from the menu. You will see a section that explains how to import an activation certificate.

  • Follow the instructions to import an activation certificate from an email or a file. You will need to have a valid activation certificate that was generated by MetaStock support team when you purchased or renewed your license number.

  • Once you have successfully imported an activation certificate, you will be able to use MetaStock 11 offline without any problems.

If you do not have an activation certificate or need a new one, you can contact the MetaStock support team and request one. They will send you an email or a file with an activation certificate that matches your license number.


MetaStock 11 is an old but powerful software for technical analysis and trading. However, it requires a license number and an activation process to work properly. If you have purchased MetaStock 11 and want to activate it with your license number, you can follow the steps in this article to do so. If you encounter any issues with the activation process, you can update your Control Activation to version 2.3.6 and import an activation certificate offline. You can also contact the MetaStock support team for help if needed.


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